Pounds and inches lost:-


Waist Measurement

Saturday 26 May 2012

Two thirds of the way there

Scars - 5 months post-op

I am almost 5 months post-op. Today I reached a milestone. I have lost 60lbs of the 90lbs I hope to lose overall. I feel soooo happy and, possibly for the first time, I am confident I can reach my goal. I haven't weighed 11st (my target weight) since I was at school!

I can now look in the mirror at my naked self and not loathe what I see :). When I am clothed I actually quite like my reflection in the mirror :D.

I booked my first holiday since 2001 a few days ago. Husband and I are going on our belated honeymoon (very belated it will be our 10th anniversary whilst we are away). We are going on a 14 night cruise around the Med. I bought a bikini today - I can't quite believe I will be sunning myself (wearing a bikini) infront of PEOPLE 11weeks time. I hope to lose another stone by then. Fingers crossed.<><>

Saturday 5 May 2012

Emotional eating and getting back on track

I've been struggling with making good food choices for a month or so. I have been very stressed at work - too much to do in too little time. I run my own business so not even able to tell boss that the workload is unrealistic. The work stress has resulted in my not having any weekends or days off since Christmas and that has resulted in husband becoming, understandably, miffed. Add to that my parents both having been ill recently (both hospitalised for periods of time) and my son being very seriously assaulted (his face, neck and chest were slashed with a broken bottle - the man who did it has been charged with Section 18 wounding with intent) and you get a recipe for EMOTIONAL EATING :(!

Thankfully, I have been able to recognise what was happening - to have a word with myself - and to 'nip it in the bud'. I didn't lose any weight for 3-4 weeks (actually I put 2lbs on) but since having got my eating back on track (2 weeks ago) I have lost those two pounds and 4 more - YAY :D

In the past, I know, the emotional stress eating would have signalled the end of my diet and weight would have piled on again.