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Monday 16 July 2012

My son's attacker is in court tomorrow......

.......please send any spare good vibes you have our way :)

My 16yo son was assaulted a few months ago at a house party by a man he had never met before. The man (17) who was wearing an electronic tag for previously assaulting someone else (and had broken his curfew to attend the party) took a dislike to my boy.

He punched him repeatedly, rammed his face into a doorframe (breaking his nose) then took a bottle and smashed it over the side of my sons' head (causing the glass to shatter) and he then plunged the splintered remains into my boys' face (just above his right eye) and he proceeded to drag the glass down his face, across his neck and then to push it into his upper chest. Mercifully at that point a number of people managed to pull him off (I shudder to think what could have happened if he'd have had more time to push the bottle in further - the hole he left in my sons' chest was horrific enough as it was!)

My son had many stitches, steri-strips and lots of glue holding his numerous lacerations together. He has been left with serious scarring (particularly to his neck and chest).

The thug who did this to him stands trial tomorrow for Wounding with Intent (Section 18) - the maximum sentence for which is 'life' (not that he will get a fraction of that if he is found guilty - he is 18 now but was technically a juvenile when he committed the crime).

My son is an amazing young man (I know I am biased but non-biased people totally agree with me) and we are so proud of him for so many things; and non more so than the mature and brave way he as dealt with this whole ordeal.

I very much hope the trial goes ahead tomorrow and that the jury are able come to the right and just decision.


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