Pounds and inches lost:-


Waist Measurement

Friday 9 December 2011

Why a band and why now?

When I was basking in the glory of having lost 5.5st (in 2009) I remember my husband asking me (whilst we were watching some documentary about bariatric surgery) if I could ever imagine being so desperate that surgery would seem like the only option for weight loss. I told him I definitely could and that I would have a gastic band fitted the next day if I thought I would be permitted to do so (with my being officially considered only slightly 'overweight' at the time I would not qualify for the procedure). Even then, when I was happy with my weight, and determined that I would never see 13st again, let alone 17st, I thought like a fat person. Inside I knew I was a fat person masquerading as a non-fat person and it was only a matter of time until the charade would be over.

Don't get me wrong I didn't want to put weight back on; I gave all of my clothes to charity shops and sold a few on EBay (I reasoned that if I had no bigger clothes I couldn't possibly put weight!) I was swimming a mile most days and desperately trying to eat less. I was eating a very low carb diet as much as I could bear but I inevitably fell off the wagon and whenever I did I fell hard!

My old trouble had tripped me up again: I was once more happy and content. I had left the job that was making me miserable and set up my own business. My business was doing better than I could possibly have predicted and I was using some of the money to make improvements to my home - new bathrooms and kitchen (amongst other bits and pieces). I love being at home and my new kitchen (and more importantly my new range oven) gave me ample encouragement and opportunity to bake and bake I did. Homemade deserts, muffins, cakes, sausage rolls and bread became constantly available - I loved making them and because they were there I ate them.....

1 comment:

  1. And what sort of business do you run? is it online?
